Xbox 360 red lights flashing is likely to mean 1 thing! You''ve become however a different victim of the dreaded "Ring of Death". I know it sounds a little like something out of the middle ages as well as the plague, but to any self respecting Xbox 360 enthusiast this is one main issue. xbox 360 slim

This now infamous trouble generally indicates one of two things, an hardware problem or power supply problems, you generally have warnings prior to a method failure and these include freeze ups, where you could have a graphical display that often is observed as a checkerboard or pinstripe effect.

You may also notice that the sound freezes, it is feasible that these symptons may occur over a sustained period before entirely losing the function of the Xbox 360 system.

The red ring of death is commonly associated with 3 red lights flashing, but there are actually also faults related to 1, two as well as four

red lights. Both 1 and 2, not in contrast to 3 both suggest some type of hardware issue which is brought about by the overheating of the

unit.The red lights might be accompanied by a variety of e errors, including E66, E67 and E68.

With regards to having 4 red lights flashing, do not mistake this for the "Red Ring Of Death" this would indicate that the AV cable is unplugged, or on some occasions throughout Xbox 360 play the 4 red lights may well be seen. This is because of sudden power surges and may be simply reset by the system been unplugged and then plugged back in. video games etc greenfield

If you''re questioning what creates all of the issues associated with the Xbox 360 its quite very simple really, it all comes down to some

design issues. The slim design together with effective components that are predisposed to acquiring hot, coupled with insufficient

ventilation vents and fans are a recipe for the over heating issues faced by Xbox 360 users.

There are other problems like the solder utilized and also the heat sink program applied but needless to say with out going into mass technical data, the Xbox 360 acquiring way too hot is the key to a substantial number of overheating challenges, for which the three red lights flashing is just one.

On the positive side the Xbox 360 remains one of the most well-known of gaming machines out there right now and with its good quality graphics and hot games there is certainly no doubting that whilst playing them it becomes addictive and time flys by really promptly....and heres a danger! video games live hard rock

There are two precautions you are able to take to assist in preventing any issues along with your Xbox 360, 1 would be to limit the time you''re

really playing at one time along with the other would be to be pretty careful as to where you situate your system. In other words attempt to provide as much ventilatiion as probable, and at the sametime don''t maintain in close to equipment that could add to the problems of overheating.

Should you locate yourself facing any of the Xbox 360 red lights flashing troubles, you may desire to let you are method cool down for a couple of hours, unplug plus the plug the cables back in, including the AV cables.

Beyond this you are able to attempt removing the tough drive, turn the method back on and see if the dilemma still exists (only when three red lights flashing) If the light is green reconnect the tough drive and turn on once again, this hopefully will have cured the challenge, otherwise its likley to need to have repairing.

If you are machine is out of guarantee you either send the program back to microsoft and wait for a considerable time for it to return, and

with it a considerable repair bill or decide to repair you''re own Xbox 360 method.